Through a new partnership
with the TECH
Clean California Initiative (TECH), GoGreen
Home contractors are now able to offer heat
pumps and other electric-only measures in Publicly
Owned Utility (POU) territories, so long as the
property receives gas from an IOU (SDG&E,
PG&E or SoCalGas). This exciting change will
allow customers of SMUD, LADWP and other public
utilities to finance electric-only measures up to
the program maximum of $50,000, provided the
property also receives gas from PG&E or
What does this mean?
Heat pumps for space and water heating,
which are critical to California’s
decarbonization efforts, are now available
everywhere that GoGreen Home is available
Electrical panel upgrades, water heater
relocation, and permits can also be financed
to support heat pump installations
incentives, which can be as high as
$6,600 per project, can be combined
with GoGreen Home financing to make
decarbonization projects attractive and
affordable for customers
You can begin selling these projects today!
Learn more about how TECH and GoGreen Home
can be used together at our upcoming webinar for
heat pump space and water heating upgrades.
Incentives and Financing for Heat Pumps and
Electric Measures
Host: TECH Clean California
When: April 28, 2022, 8am-9am