How to Properly Fill Out an Itemized Invoice

July 13, 2022

Several contractors have asked: “How do I fill out the Itemized Invoice?”

At first glance the Itemized Invoice can seem a bit confusing, but with a little guidance and direction it is much simpler than you think. In this walk-through, we use a heat pump measure as an example. To complete the invoice you will need the Eligible Energy Efficiency Measures (EEEMs) list handy. Once you have that, view the instructions for filling out each section of the Itemized Invoice below.

Download the Itemized Invoice to follow along. It will open as an Excel file. Don’t see it? Check your downloads folder.

Contractor and Project Information

“Estimate for work” is checked when you are submitting the invoice for the first time to the lender for approval (in this example we are submitting an estimate for work).

“Invoice for work completed” is checked when you have completed the work and you are submitting the final invoice to the lender. It is the default setting on the form.

Eligible Energy Efficiency Measures (EEEMs) and Directly Related Labor, Materials, and Equipment

Section A: To determine the EEEMs ID, see the EEEMs list. In this example, the EEEMs ID for a heat pump is “HV HPMP.”

Section B1: To determine the EEEMs Measure Name, see the EEEMs list.

Above: View of the heat pump entry on the EEEMs list showing Measure Name and Measure ID

Section B2: If the measure being installed uses a different fuel type from the measure it replaced, it is considered a “fuel substitution” and the answer is yes. Example: replacing a gas furnace with an all-electric heat pump involves a change in fuel type, so the answer is “yes.”

Section C: How many pieces of equipment are being installed? One? Two? Three? For example, if you are installing windows, how many windows? If installing a roof, probably 1. The answer in this example is “1.”

Section D: This box is asking for the cost of the equipment and the necessary installation cost.

Section E: List a brief description of legal and practical components that are needed for the installation of the EEEMs. For example, renting a crane to remove the HVAC from a roof, securing permits, or upgrading the electrical panel.

Distributed Generation

Section 3: This is for solar measures. At this time, the program does not generally involve solar measures. The answer is no.

Other Home Improvement Projects

Section 4: List additional home improvement projects that do not fall under the scope of the EEEMs or the legal and practical work necessary to complete their installation. Up to 30% of the loan may be used for other home improvement projects. Examples include kitchen cabinets, landscaping and flooring.

Total Project Cost

Section 5: The project cost is the total of boxes G, M, and Q. The total is automatically populated.

And you’re finished! You’re ready to submit the Itemized Invoice to the lender for approval (if at the start of the project) or for payment (if at the end).

Still Have Questions?

You can contact the GoGreen Financing Contractor Support Team at (888) 987-3443 or email at with further questions regarding the completion of the Itemized Invoice form.