Step 1 of 7
For assistance with this form, contact the Contractor Support Team at or (888) 987-3443.
Section 1: Company Information
For contractors, provide company name, dba (if applicable) and address as filed with CSLB.
Section 2: Contractor Information
Names of individual(s) authorized to sign loan enrollment documents on behalf of the Participating Contractor company?
Section 3A: Mandatory Program Training Information
The self-paced, internet-based training module can be found at
Section 3B: Required Enclosure
Please attach proof of insurance with your application. Participating Contractors must agree to hold and maintain a commercial general liability insurance policy or policies of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence throughout their participation in the Program.
Section 4: Participating Contractor Information for Publishing on the GoGreen Home Website
If you would like to be listed on the GoGreen Home website and/or other program websites and materials, the following information is required. (Note, if you want to list the same details you provided on Page 1, check the box(es) on the right. Otherwise, provide the information you’d like listed on the website):
Using previously provided business name.
Using previously provided phone number for customer inquiries.
Using previously provided contact person for customer inquiries.
Using previously provided email address for customer inquiries.
Using previously provided website for customer inquiries.
County(ies) served (please select all that apply). Do not skip this step! You will not be listed if you do not provide your service area.
Select the services you provide from the dropdown menu below. This is a required field.
Section 5: Participating Contractor Logo for Publishing on the GoGreen Home Website and Program Materials (Voluntary)
If you would like to publicize your company as an enrolled contractor in the GoGreen Home Energy Financing Program, we are asking you to grant the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA) and its authorized agents and representatives the use of your logo, which may include your trade name and trade-service mark (collectively, “Logos”). Your approval allows CAEATFA to include your Logos on the program website as well as in other communication materials (such as print promotion and advertising) to further increase awareness of your company among potential customers, program participants, and stakeholders. By signing below, you agree to provide CAEATFA with your current Logos and with any subsequent changes and grant CAEATFA the use of your Logos for the purposes described above. Other than the rights granted here, CAEATFA acknowledges that it has no other rights to your Logos.
Please upload a copy of your logo in PNG or JPG format. We recommend a file size of less than 10MB.
Section 6: Eligible Contractor Certifications
Pursuant to Title 4, Division 13, Article 5 of the California Code of Regulations (the Program Regulations) Section 10091.6, the Eligible Contractor,
Note: All capitalized terms are defined in the Program Regulations.
Section 7: Applicant Signature
I, the undersigned, am authorized to legally bind the Eligible Contractor applicant and hereby certify all of the information, acknowledgements, and certifications provided in this application.